
Extensive online library of eBooks from a range of genres for general and educational reading

Digital Library

A carefully curated digital library that allows students easy access to narrated and illustrated ebooks.

Pure Environment

SmartKidzClub provides an environment free of ads, animation, videos and games.

Inspires Literacy

Instill a love for reading in students. Turn reluctant readers into avid readers.

Scientifically-researched Reading App to engage and improve reading ability

Smart Kidz Club’s comprehensive and integrated classroom solution is for schools and teachers to be used in classrooms. This personalised and engaging student centred learning tool enables teachers to create a superior value in their classrooms while achieving higher student outcomes for all types of learners. Smart Kidz Club teacher license contains enhanced functionality and lesson plan. Teachers save time and have the flexibility to customize curriculum based on individual student’s level and learning needs. Smart Kidz Club helps teachers support all types of learners including those identified with disabilities, reading disorders, or dual language learners by way of the read aloud, highlighting features, and special education section for students with Autism.

School Benefits
  • Build digitally savvy classrooms
  • Significantly increase children’s engagement and enhance performance
  • Use data analytics to track progress
  • Enhance parent involvement
  • Offer culturally diverse and inclusive content
  • Easy for teachers to train and use
  • Increase enrollment by offering exclusive digital English reading and learning tool
Teacher Benefits
  • Ready to teach
  • Easy to use
  • Works offline
  • Fun learning activities to engage students
  • Pre-made quizzes to assess comprehension
  • Flexibility to design personalized curriculum
  • Facilitate parent involvement
  • Conforms to US Common Core State Standards
  • Ability to recommend and assign books
  • Review reports of child engagement
Implementation Stages
Phase I: Schools Requirement Analysis

Based on the school’s requirements a needs assessment form will be prepared followed by a Proforma Invoice being submitted to the school for review, approval, and payment.

Phase II: Implementation

  • The hardware required will be ordered and timelines provided (optional based on needs assessment).
  • SKC content will be mapped to school’s curriculum with the help of lead teachers from each grade identified by the school.
  • The licenses will be provided to the school.
  • The teachers will be trained on how to use the tool in the classroom and how to connect with the parents and students at home.

Phase III: Support

Technical support will be provided via email throughout the year.

SmartKidzClub Key Features

Benefits Gr 1 - Gr 12

Library of eBooks for school learning

Narration with word-by-word highlighting

Built-in dictionary to learn words in context

Multi-platform and cross-platform access

Quizzes and activities to gauge reading & vocabulary

Reading tracker to review and monitor progress

Buy SmartKidzClub

Prices available on request. Please request a quote below.


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