The game begins with all cards on the playing board being face-down. If the players are playing in more than one team, the colour of the playing board indicates which team’s turn it is. When the players have decided which cards to turn over, they need to touch these cards simultaneously. Depending on the selected settings for the game, the players must turn over either two or four cards at a time. Shortly after the selected cards have been turned over revealing the picture side of the cards, the game automatically turns the cards face-down again forcing the players to remember which pictures are hiding under which cards. If the players manage to turn over two cards that show identical pictures, the players have successfully found a picture pair and these cards will disappear from the playing board. The game is over when all picture pairs have been found and there are no more cards left on the playing board. If the players are playing in more than one team, the team that found the most picture pairs have won the game. After the game is over, the end screen will display which team found which picture pairs, so the players can determine the winning team. By pressing the green replay icon on the left side of the screen, the players can play a re-match with the exact same settings as in the previous game. Pressing the grey settings icon on the right side of the screen will return the players to the game settings.