Beetle Lab
Age 8+
10 minutes
In Brief
Learning objective
By playing Beetle Lab, players can increase their knowledge about the different kinds of beetles, how they look, what they are called, what families they belong to, and what their diet consists of.
Game objective
The objective of Beetle Lab is to read and gain information about the beetles and sort them into the correct category petri dish.
Examining the beetles
Players can gain information about each beetle by pressing and dragging them to the magnifying glasses to reveal the text box. In the text, players can read about the beetles’ diet, family, appearance, and size, where it is common for them to reside, and other interesting characteristics.
Grouping the beetles
In order to group the beetles into categories, players must press and drag away the lid of the correct category’s petri dish and place the corresponding beetle inside. To guide the players in how many beetles must be placed in each petri dish in total, a number is indicated above each category.
Checking the grouping
To check whether the correct beetles have been chosen, players can navigate to the settings tab located near each magnifying glass. If a category has been correctly grouped, it has a green checkmark placed next to it. This way, for the duration of the game, the players can find the mistakes that have been made. When all beetles have been correctly grouped, the player gets notified, and the game round is finished.